Renew Rx
Renew Rx App
How It Works
Request Liquidation
Help Liquidate
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
How long does the process take?
It depends on how fast facilities are open to picking up the stock being liquidated.
How much does it cost?
We charge 10% - 35% of the amount the facility looking to liquidate prices the products depending on how close the product is to expiry when the liquidation request is submitted.
Who covers the delivery cost?
The facility looking to liquidate will state if they are willing to cover the cost. Otherwise the delivery cost is covered by the facility receiving the products.
Who coordinates the delivery process?
We (Renew Rx) coordinate the delivery process.
How do you make sure the products are legitimate?
We (Renew Rx) only work with facilities duly registered. The facility receiving the items can also request for documentation from the liquidating facility for traceability.
Is there a return policy?
The receiving facility has 24 hours from the time of receipt to raise a concern. We (Renew Rx) will release the funds paid to us by the facility receiving the products if no complaint is shared within 24 hours.
Who covers the cost of returning items?
We will split the cost between the liquidating and receiving facility on a case to case basis.
Are you repackaging expired products?
We are not involved in any kind of repackaging. The products are moved directly from the liquidating facility to the buying facility.
Who does the invoicing?
The invoicing and receipt comes from the liquidating facility.